产品中心 / Products More
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 11 - 14
    Built-in active PFC function.    By using the low resistance cool mosfets, it can withstan...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 11 - 14
    Built-in active PFC function.    By using the low resistance cool mosfets, it can withstan...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 11 - 14
    Built-in active PFC function.    By using the low resistance cool mosfets, it can withstan...
  • 发布时间: 2016 - 10 - 10
    The high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are imported from Japan.And have high voltage pr...
  • 发布时间: 2016 - 10 - 10
    The high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are imported from Japan or Korea. And have high ...
  • 发布时间: 2014 - 07 - 18
    Using MOSFET install in power supply instead of Schottky Diode and the low resistance characteristic...
  • 发布时间: 2016 - 08 - 16
    The high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are imported from Japan or Korea. And have high ...
  • 发布时间: 2015 - 07 - 22
    The high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are imported from Japan.And have high voltage pr...
  • 发布时间: 2016 - 08 - 19
    Using MOSFET instead of Schottky Diode, the low resistance characteristic of MOSFET can improve effi...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 27
    Built-in active PFC function,can improve the power factor. The high voltage Mosfets that the power s...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 28
    Using MOSFET instead of Schottky Diode, the low resistance characteristic of MOSFET can improve effi...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 28
    Built-in low resistance mosfts, it has character of highly withstand voltage and nice switching char...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 28
    Built-in low resistance mosfets, it has character of highly withstand voltage and nice switching cha...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 28
    Built-in low resistance mosfets, it has character of highly withstand voltage and nice switching cha...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 28
    Built-in low resistance mosfets, it has character of highly withstand voltage and nice switching cha...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 28
    Built-in low resistance mosfets, it has character of highly withstand voltage and nice switching cha...
  • 发布时间: 2020 - 03 - 03
    Using MOSFET install in power supply instead of Schottky Diode and the low resistance characteristic...
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 04
    Using MOSFET install in power supply instead of Schottky Diode and the low resistance characteristic...
  • 发布时间: 2020 - 11 - 03
    The low resistance cool high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are purchased from Silan(lis...
  • 发布时间: 2020 - 11 - 03
    The low resistance cool high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are purchased from Silan(lis...
  • 发布时间: 2020 - 11 - 03
    The low resistance cool high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are purchased from Silan(lis...
  • 发布时间: 2020 - 11 - 03
    The low resistance cool high voltage Mosfets that the power supply used are purchased from Silan(lis...
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新闻动态 / News More>>
2013 - 11 - 29
点击次数: 413
欢迎新老客户光临我们的展位,我司有两个展位(电子电器产品10.3M15, 电子消费品及信息产品4.1H04)下图为(电子电器产品10.3M15平面图) 下图为(电子消费品及信息产品4.1H04)
2013 - 11 - 29
点击次数: 346
Youyi Electronics develop one new products for electronic car, electronic fork truck and electronic golf car. This product is called Charger Machine. It have the characteristic as belowInstruction fun...
2013 - 12 - 11
点击次数: 96
一、行业管理体制  LED行业属于半导体光电行业,行业的行政主管部门是国家工业和信息化部,由工业和信息化部会同国家其他有关部门制定产业政策、产业发展规划等,指导整个行业的协同有序发展。  LED行业所属行业协会为中国光学光电子行业协会。该协会主要负责开展全国行业调查、召开专业会议、评估行业项目等,接受工业和信息化部的领导。此外,LED行业自律协会还包括中国光学光电子行业协会光电器件分会和中国照明电...
2013 - 12 - 11
点击次数: 103
世界LED看亚洲,亚洲LED看中国。这是当前全球LED产业格局最真实的写照。作为LED产业一个的重要分支,我国LED显示屏行业经过多年发展,在技术和创新上已经成功主导世界LED电子显示屏行业的发展。然而,就在其发展步伐不断加速的同时,我国LED 显示屏行业面临的问题也愈加明显,如产品同质化竞争、价格战频发、品牌缺失等,这些不利因素不仅严重阻碍了行业的健康发展,而且还增加了LED屏企的风险。面对日益...
最新案例 / Cases More
添加时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
Viewed: 273
Shaoxing Yigao square is in center of the city. There are too many crowd people there especially in weekend. But the developers are worrying about that the advertisement may miss the goldtime and customers may be not willing to pay the advertisement fee if one of power supplies are broken. Our company(Youyi Electronics) provide the solution that using the equalize current and backup system power supplies. Every two power supplies comply a group. Each one output half the current that the device need. And if one of power supplies are broken, the other one will supplement the current. So the whole system will not stop working. And LED display will be always playing the video of advertisement. Besides, the signal will be sent to control card when some of power supplies are broke...
添加时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
Viewed: 167
The Led display is in Wenzhou tax bureau department for displaying the regulations, division of employee and condition of post. This display let the people who come here to do some operation can understand all rules very clearly and let the local citizen more conveniently. Besides, the tax bureau department also make the operation and regulations more publicly         Youyi provide a slim narrow, small space power supply. Built-in the low restance of mosfets to reduce the temperature when the power supply is working. We also use the common inductance with the safe capacitor to comply the circuit to filter the ripple and disturbul from the grid power. What’s more, there are some fileter ripple inductance and filter ripple capacitor to reduce the ripple and...
添加时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
Viewed: 174
The Led display in Kailong Plaza will be working for a long time everyday. And Led dispaly is the device that will consume large power. So the customer pay a lot of money for the grid power. LED is the component that drived by the current. Reducing the voltage can low down the power if the voltage is not changing . In the same time, using the lower resistance LED and drived to be lighting by a low voltage can make the whole system more high efficiency. Our company(Youyi Electronics) built-in the synchrounous rectification to reduce the waste of output. This design can save 15% energy. 545 days later, the money that saved may be equal with the price of power supply.
添加时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
Viewed: 199
近日,马来西亚能源委员会调整了强制性认证电子电器类产品清单,电子电器类强制性认证产品将从现有的31类增加至34类,主要是增加了空调、适配器/充电器、按摩器三类产品,将电吹风更换为蒸发器,驱蚊器更换为电动剃须刀两类产品。新增加产品的强制性认证将自2013年1月1日生效。 马来西亚电子电器产品认证的法律依据有两个:《电力供应法(1990)》和《电器设备批准条例(1994)》,这两个法律都由能源委员会执行。前者针对电力供应规定了电力安装的许可和控制、配送电力设备的安全以及保护人身安全等方面的要求,后者则规定了任何制造商、进口商、展览商、销售商和广告商的电器产品必须保证符合标准要求,获得认可证书(COA),并加贴SIRIM标签/标志,否则就不能在马来西亚市场上销售。在COA期满前14天,电器产品的制造商、进口商、展览商和广告商必须提出对COA进行复审的申请。 根据《电器设备批准条例(1994)》的规定,产品进行认证依据的标准主要是国家标准和等同采用的IEC标准,有的产品甚至直接使用IEC标准。对此,检验检疫部门提醒相关企业:一是及时按要求完成企业产品的强制性认证,做好前置工作;二是在产品生产过程中严格按照IEC标准生产,因为马来西亚电子电器类产品认证的相关标准大部分是采用IEC标准,即使部分采用国家标准,也是以IEC标准为基础修订的;三是加强与检验检疫机构沟通,及时了解相关标准变更情况;四是积极开拓新兴市场,规避风险。
俞跃飞建立服务质量三级监管体系,在企业内率先实现中国服务落地的目标;按照企业发展规划目标,不断提升企业运营管理效率,提升品牌价值,提升企业影响力;建立物业资产管控体系,加强资本性支出年度预算的计划性、前瞻性,并符合企业发展需要,重点对涉及经营设施的重要项目进行后效益评估,确保实现物业资产投资的合理性、规划性,确保实现投资收益最大化;打造完善的网络化运营平台,发挥“大数据”的信息优势,提升整体运营效率,创造集约化的品牌形象宣传,创造高效便捷的客户体验,提升品牌软实力。公司的用人标准是:具备创新意识和不断进取精神。      公司的竞争机制是:能者上,平者让,庸者下。      公司竭尽所能做到:人适其位,位适其人。      公司不仅通过待遇留人,公司更愿通过事业留人,感情留人。有效沟通--我们成功开始      专业策划--我们创造梦想      团结协作--我们集思广益
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ADDRESS:Anhui tianchang town industrial park, qin column 1